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Sherborne Girls Celebrates A Level Success

Sherborne Girls Celebrates A Level Success
Higher Ed & Careers Academic

We wish the Class of 2023 all the very best as they leave Sherborne Girls. 

Today we celebrate the achievement of our largest ever Upper Sixth cohort who have achieved an impressive set of A Level results with 45% of grades at A*/A. Nine pupils achieved three or more A* grades and 11 pupils sat four or more A Level courses, in addition to EPQs and the considerable co-curricular programme at Sherborne Girls. 

Of those pupils applying, 93% have secured a place at one of their chosen universities including Oxford, Cambridge, and Russell Group, as well as prestigious universities abroad and competitive arts schools. A range of challenging and inspiring courses are being pursued including Criminology, Law, Medicine, History, Film Production, Architecture, Languages, Psychology, Engineering and Veterinary Medicine. One pupil has also achieved a highly sought after Level 6 Degree Apprenticeship course in London. 

Dr Ruth Sullivan, Head commented: “I would like to congratulate our outgoing Upper Sixth. They have shown themselves to be amazing young women who it has been a genuine privilege to work with. I have never failed to be impressed by their approach to learning and life, as well as their compassion and camaraderie, which was particularly evident in the way they supported each other through their first public exams - their A Levels. I am incredibly proud of them.

“I, along with all the staff at Sherborne Girls, wish them joy, success, and fulfilment as they embark on the next exciting step into their future.”

We would also like to extend our congratulations to the U6 boys from Sherborne School who have also achieved an excellent set of results.

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Sherborne Girls Celebrates A Level Success