Sherborne Girls School
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Sherborne Girls is part of the Sherborne Schools Group. The full list of Governors for the Sherborne Schools Group is shown below, as well as a small number of co-opted members of individual committees. The Governor responsible for Safeguarding at Sherborne Girls is Sally Craig-McFeely.


Aubrey Capel co-opted to Estates

Michael French co-opted to Investments

Charlie Griffiths co-opted to Investments

Guy Hayward-Cole co-opted to Investments

Guy Hudson co-opted to Investments

Max Jonas co-opted to Pastoral

Ruth Newman co-opted to Sherborne Prep

Kate Saker co-opted to Hanford

Gilly Staley co-opted as Advisor (Health & Safety)

Maria Wingfield-Digby co-opted to Commercial

Nicholas Wordie co-opted to Estates

The Governing body can be contacted, in writing, via the Chief Operating Officer at the School address: Sherborne Girls, Bradford Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 3QN

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Vision & Values

Vision & Values