Pupils aged 13+ join Year 9, known as Lower Fifth (L5). Year 10 is known as Middle Fifth (M5) and Year 11 Upper Fifth (U5). Find more information in our Fifth Form Guide here.
Pupils in L5 enjoy an outstanding breadth of subjects across their curriculum. Sherborne Girls values the depth of creative opportunities and the depth of linguistic provision that is available to the girls at this stage of their education.
Learning is centred around the SG Transferable Skills Profile providing a focus on individual learning styles, encouraging exploration of academic interest and intellectual curiosity as well as a love of learning.
In the L5, girls are supported by their personal tutor in making decisions regarding their GCSE options and academic choices for M5 and U5.
While the curriculum for M5 and U5 (14+) is dominated by external examination preparation, we are proud of the enrichment and support offered to all girls, ensuring they are motivated and stretched academically.
Academic Scholars enjoy appropriate stretch and challenge across the curriculum. They are supported by their individual tutor as well as the Enrichment and Oxbridge Coordinator. Our Assistant Head Aspiration and Wellbeing oversees the provision for scholars; we focus on enabling pupils to thrive without feeling overloaded or under undue pressure.