Sherborne Girls School
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Bristol Uni scientists spark interest in gases

Bristol Uni scientists spark interest in gases
Community Links Academic

Budding scientists from local schools were treated to an explosive science lecture by Tim Harrison from the University of Bristol’s School of Chemistry last week when he gave a very entertaining performance. Armed with liquid nitrogen, dry ice and and a bit of chemistry ‘magic’ he created several explosions, all of which served to enthral the visiting years 5 and 6 primary school children.

Mr James Grierson, Teacher of Physics at Sherborne Girls, explained:

“The presentation was incredibly fun to watch and was a fantastic way to share learning about gases in the air to make it memorable and easy to understand.

“We’re hoping that it has sparked an interest in science and that it has whet their appetite for studying the subject further in their senior schools.”

The day, organised as part of the expanding community outreach work by Sherborne Girls’ science department, was attended by the following local primary schools: Sherborne Abbey, Buckland Newton, St Andrew’s, North Cadbury Primary, St Nicholas, Preston, Bradford Abbas, Yetminster, Sherborne Primary and Thornford Primary Schools.

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Bristol Uni scientists spark interest in gases